Hand Milled Soap

How to make Hand milled Soap

To make hand milled soap, you have to make pretty softer soap than as usual in order to mill it easily.
You can choose your favourite CP soap recipe; however, you need extra water for making softer soap.
Just prepare 10-25% of extra water for lye solution. That's it!
If you use 100% olive oil, you may not need extra water, but just in case,
add 5-10% extra water into lye solution.

Please make lye soap as usual, and cure the soap for several days
and then mill the soap like the following photo using cheese grader or so.
If your soap is too soft to mill, then you can leave it some more days.
After you milled the soap, you simply knead like cookie dough,
and add some scents and color in order to make wonderful flowers or animals.

If you want to make herb soap, simply put your favourite harbs into your soap,
if you want to make clay soap, add your favourite clays!

You can cook your hand milled soap!

450g /16 oz  Hand Milled Soap
236-354ml /8-12oz  Water or Milk or floral water or so.

Place your milld soap and water or milk or flowral water in a pan over a low heat.
Stir until all the soap melts.
When the soap has reached creamy consistency, remove it from the heat.
Add colorants, scents and/or fillers such as clays and herbs if desired.
Pour the mixture into molds.



Don't you have time to make Hand Milled Soap?

You can buy Hand milled soap through the Internet.

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